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学术报告:Bt +RNAi for Caterpillar and Aphid
发布时间:2016-05-23 点击率:

学术报告:Bt +RNAi for Caterpillar and Aphid

作者:丁克熔  日期:2012-11-26  点击数:1814 


报告题目:Bt +RNAi for Caterpillar and AphidResistance in Brassicas - the CARiB project

报告人: Derek Russell
Assoc. Prof. , Programme Manager CARiB
Dept of Agric. and Food Systems| Melbourne School of Land and Environment


时 间: 20121130(星期五) 上午9:00

地 点:化学楼五楼学术报告厅