姓 名:饶 立
学 历:博 士
职 称:副教授
电 话:18674001567
2012年06月至2014年05月:法国巴黎国立巴黎高等化学学校( National ChemicalEngineering Institute in Paris)理论化学Carlo Adamo教授课题组,博士后研究工作;
1. 蛋白药物结合能高精度量子化学计算和计算机辅助药物设计;
2. 含金属酶蛋白催化反应机理的理论计算;
3. 金属蛋白对金属离子选择性的理论研究;
1. 藻毒素降解酶MlrA活性中心及其催化降解藻毒素分子机理的研究;
2. 研究起止年:2015.1.1-2018.12.31;
3. 以蓝藻果糖-1,6-二磷酸醛缩酶和水解酶为靶标的一剂双靶新型抑藻剂的合理设计与优化研究;
1. Rao,Li,Xu,Xin,Adamo,Carlo(*),Theoretical Investigation onthe Role of the Central Carbon Atom and Close Protein Environment on theNitrogen Reduction in Mo Nitrogenase,ACS Catalysis,2016,6(3):1567-1577。
2. Rao, Li,Cui, Qiang(*),Xu, Xin(*),Electronic Properties and Desolvation Penalties of Metal Ions PlusProtein Electrostatics Dictate the Metal Binding Affinity and Selectivity inthe Copper Efflux Regulator,Journal of the American Chemical Society,2010,132(51):18092-18102。
3. Rao,Li,Chi, Bo,Ren,Yanliang,Xu, Xin(*),Wan, Jian(*),DOX: A New ComputationalProtocol for AccuratePrediction of the Protein–Ligand Binding Structures,Journal of ComputationalChemistry,2016,37(3):336-344。
4. Rao, Li,Zhang, Igor Ying,Guo, Wenping,Feng, Li,Meggers, Eric(*),Xu, Xin(*),Nonfitting protein-ligand interaction scoring function based onfirst-principles theoretical chemistry methods: Development and application onkinase inhibitors,Journalof Computational Chemistry,2013,34(19):1636-1646。
5. Rao, Li,Ke, Hongwei,Fu, Gang,Xu, Xin(*),Yan, Yijing,Performance of Several Density Functional Theory Methods onDescribing Hydrogen-Bond Interactions,Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation,2009,5(1):86-96。